A values-based framework to building a better world profitably and sustainably

Businesses are increasingly expected to deliver superior shareholder returns and addressed environmental and social sustainability concerns simultaneously. But is it possible to drive superior shareholder return by doing good?

Our study of global organisations that are doing well by doing good showed that champions of the environment and society see themselves as stewards of planet Earth and humanity. They proactively choose to create sustainability-first strategies that align profit with purpose. These champions are steward leaders.


Steward leadership enables a win-win-win future for stakeholders, society, and the environment.

Our executive education offerings equip business leaders and board directors with values-based skills and frameworks to pursue a worthy purpose without compromising profit and growth.


  1.  We provide a values-based framework to allow you to align profit with purpose because achieving sustainability objectives requires more than rules, regulations, reporting and incentives.
  2. We integrate experiential learning in our educational programmes, using real-life stories of steward leadership in action from our ever-growing case repository.
  3. We do not just share the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of steward leadership. We equip you with research-based tools, frameworks and best practices.
  4. We believe in leaders-enabling-leaders. Learn from the best of the best thought leaders and practitioners, not just from academic faculty.


We offer open enrolment programmes, customised solutions and experiential learning for organisations that are keen to drive transformations that align profit with purpose.

Programme Options

Our aspiration is to help create a common steward leadership language across the organisation's ecosystem, regardless of employee rank and geography. Our programmes, therefore, target multiple leader levels, and we offer flexible delivery modes—in-person, online and hybrid.

Example of programmes designed to address the challenges faced and skills needed to succeed at each level of the organisation:

Join us and take the first step in advancing your Steward Leadership journey

Email [email protected] for more inquiries and information.